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På hvilken måte tilhører Belonging-kvartetten norsk jazzhistorie?

"During the 1960s a new generation of Norwegian jazz musicians took up experimental trends such as free- and avant-garde jazz. The main focus in this article is to demonstrate some of the most significant patterns of interaction that took place in Norwegian jazz during that period. To this end the article focuses on the Norwegian jazz musicians Jon Christensen and Jan Garbarek, and the way they interacted with different musical streams, styles and musicians in that period. This in turn was followed with an increased cooperation with international musicians. In particular this is manifested on the record Belonging from 1974 by the American piano player Keith Jarrett. On this recording the Swedish bass player Palle Danielsson contributed together with Christensen and Garbarek. Belonging has been evaluated as one of the greatest quartet recordings in jazz history. Thus, this article attempts to shows what actually happened musically on this record, and the key factors that gave rise to this musical event."

Hele artikkelen er publisert i Studia Musicologica Norvegica vol 33 2007 side 169 – 190 Universitetsforlaget ISBN 978-82-15-01247-6

Dr. art. Odd Skårberg er post.dok.-stipendiat ved Institutt for musikkvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo. Han disputerte i 2003 på en avhandling om norsk rock på 1950-tallet. Skårberg har skrevet artikler om norsk populærmusikk i Norsk musikkhistorie bind 5. Han arbeider for tiden med et prosjekt om norsk jazzhistorie. Han er styremedlem i Norsk jazzarkiv.