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The Jazz Chameleon

Janne Mäkelä skriver i sitt forord at tittelen (og konferansens tema) henspeiler på jazzens kameleonlignende natur, dens bemerkelsesverdige evne til å krysse musikalske, sosiale og kulturelle grenser. Foredragene i boka forsøker å si noe om hvordan disse krysningene foregår.

Her kommer artikkeltitlene:

  • Bruce Johnson: Jazz and Nation in Australia: Bridging the Gap on the Screen, 1919 - 1933
  • Heli Reimann: The Ideological Context for the Study of Soviet Estonian Jazz
  • Claire Levy: Parody Rhetoric, Intersexuality and the Groovy Aesthetics in Bulgarian Jazz
  • Christa Bruckner-Haring: Gonzalo Rubalcaba's Blend of Cuban Music and Jazz: Two Current Examples of Hybridization
  • Katherine Williams: "Is the Duke Deserting jazz?": Classicisation through Improvisation in Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue.
  • Deborah Mawer: French Music Reconfigured in the Modal Jazz of Bill Evans
  • John V. Ward: Discography, Preservation, and Cultural Crossing: The Role of the World Wide Web in the Underground Dissemination of Nordic Jazz Recordings.
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IIPC Publication Series Vol. 4
The Jazz Chameleon. The Refereed Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Jazz Conference August 19–20, 2010, Helsinki, Finland. Edited by Janne Mäkelä (The Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive). Helsinki: The Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive/Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture, 2011